The Smell of Heather By Roman Harris

I hope you love it

The Smell of Heather Artwork.jpg

In 2012 I came across a book of poetry called ‘Heather’s Book’ written by Vivian Anglin. The first poem in the book was entitled ‘The Smell of Heather’ and from that poem this single was born. 

I was so moved by his body of work, by the raw style of writing, by the true compassion and longing expressed in his words that I simply had to use music to tell Heather’s story.

Great things do take time and it has taken quite a few years for this song to find it’s way to the ears of the public and now it’s yours to stream and download.

I would like to thank everyone connected with this project for your guidance, inspiration and support along the way and to you the listener for taking the time to enjoy this piece of art. 

Thank you.


New SongRoman Harris