Upon a Lifetime By Roman Harris

Upon a Lifetime: Artwork designed by Marianna Boff

Upon a Lifetime: Artwork designed by Marianna Boff

I was once told that there is no such thing as closure. That we are all walking around with the past still very much a part of us. I believe there is some truth to that, however, I also believe that we decide how much of the past we allow to affect our present and ultimately our future.

Relationships end. Sad but true. Some on a sour note, some through mutual agreement, and others are casualties of time, but everything that ends also has a beginning and a middle and although ‘Upon a Lifetime’ is a song born out of the end of a relationship it is the beginning and the middle that are just as important in bringing this song to life.

You too would have loved and lost. It is inevitable, but do not let sadness consume you because it is over, smile because it happened. Smile because you were made to feel special, smile because someone you never knew came to be more than a friend and cared for you, smile because they made you smile, smile because of the inside jokes you created with one another, smile because they were there, smile for the trips you took, for the times you got lost together and for times you found one another, smile because it happened and keep smiling because it can happen again, albeit with someone new but that is the wonder of life.

I was once told that there is no such thing as closure. That we are all walking around with the past still very much a part of us. I believe there is some truth to that, but if closure does exist then maybe ‘Upon a Lifetime’ will bring me closer to it and I hope it gets you a little closer to it also.


Roman Harris

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